NaNoWriMo 2017


For the uninitiated, this is short for National Novel Writing Month which is an international writing, erm,  thing(?) where writers the world over have just thirty days to produce a fifty thousand word novel.

And this year I’m taking part.

in case you're wondering fifty thousand words in thirty days breaks down into 1667 words a day.

Easy, right?

My writing history is as follows:

  • I write this blog
  • In my early twenties I wrote loads of poetry, which I then threw out as it was "pretentious nonsense".
  • I spent some time as a kid at school, where I was forced to do hideous amounts of writing!

It'll be fine!

Ok if I am not a writer and have never done any serious writing why am I taking part?

It’s simple really, I just really want to push myself and try something new.

I have had an idea for a novel/book in my head for approximately 15 years now though but I won't be writing that one, nooo, I'll be coming up with a new one. which is a much more sensible idea

Ok to recap

I’m not a writer, I don’t have a book idea and, starting in 6 days time I will have 30 days to write 50,000 words.

It'll be fine!

I will also be doing my best to vlog about this adventure on my youtube channel and who knows at the end of it I might even have the first draft of a novel. Maybe.

If you want to join me on this adventure then be sure to head over to my youtube channel and hit that subscribe button for video goodness or you can find me on the twitter @Neil_Elkins/@Trampy_joe
OOOR you can buddy up with me on the NaNoWriMo site if you yourself are taking part.

Incidentally, this blog post is a reworking of the transcription of my NaNoWriMo video, as it was easier than writing a full, completely different blog post. So 50,000 words eh?!

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